Concerto trombitára és fúvószenekarra



Com­posed: 1980
1. Senza Sordina
2. In­ter­mezzo Lyr­ico
3.​Rondo in Modo Clas­sico
Dur­a­tion: 16 mins
Com­mi­s­ioned Edi­tio Mu­sica Bud­apest 

World­premiere: Manchester UK 1991
Per­formed by
Mar­tin Winter,
The Bark­shire Youth Or­ches­tra
Con­duc­ted by: Robert Ro­s­coe<b
Hun­garian perf.
György Gei­ger
The Cent­ral Wind Syn­phony of the Hun­garian Army 
Con­duc­ted by
: László Marosi

Additional performances:
1992 by Hungarian Radio
1994 Cedar Falls (Iowa) Conducted by: 
Xxxx: West Lothian Celebrity Winds

Conducted by Nigel Boddice

Soloist: Mark O’Keefw

Recording: Hungaroton Classic HCD 317871 
Performed by: György Geiger
The Central Wind Symphony Orch. of the Hungarian Army
Conducted by: László Marosi
Publisher: EMB Budapest



Partitur (excerpt)