for MS Solo, SATB Choir, Small Orchestra

Latin li­tur­gi­cal and Ver­la­in: Sa­ges­se No1, no2
Com­mis­si­on­ed: ARIAM ILE DE FRANCE and the De­part­ment of Cul­t­u­ral Af­fa­irs of France
De­di­ca­ted to Mar­cel Land­ovs­ky

Com­po­s­ed: 1991
Dura­ti­on: 30 Mins
Orch.: Ob.-Cl-BCl-Bsn-Hrn-Org-Strings

I. Sta­bat mater
II.​Cuius ani­mam
III.O quam tris­tis
IV.​Quis est homo
V. „Je ne veux plus aimer…” *)
VI. Fac me tecum
VII. „Je ne veux plus pen­ser…”
VIII. Qu­an­do cor­pus mori­e­tur *)

World pre­mi­e­re
1991 Meaux,& Paris Eg­li­se St. Au­gus­tin
Per­for­med by: Jac­qu­e­line Mayes (Ms) Eric Leb­run (Org), Cho­eur Re­gi­o­nal
Ile de France & Ens.​Instr. J.​W.​Audoli
Con­duc­ted by: Mi­chel Pi­qu­e­mal
Pub­lis­her: EMB
Hun­ga­ro­ton HCD 31533
Hun­ga­ri­an Te­le­vi­si­on 1991
Radio France Music 1991

Ad­di­ti­o­nal per­for­man­ces:
1995 Bu­da­pest Con­cert Hall of Uni­ver­sity F.​Liszt of Music
Per­for­med by: Jac­qu­e­line Mayer (Ms) Choir of the Hun­ga­ri­an Radio & Symph. Or­chest­ra
Con­duc­ted by: Mi­chel Pi­qu­e­mal,
Con­duc­tor of Choir: K. Stra­us

1996 Pécs, Ba­zi­li­ka, per­for­med Ta­ma­ra Ta­kács, (Ms)Choir of „Ko­dály”dir: S. Kamp
Con­duc­ted by: Ho­ward Wil­li­ams
Re­cord­ing: Stu­dio Pécs

2000 Deb­re­cen, in the Bar­tók Hall
Per­for­med by: And­rea Me­láth (Ms),Symph. Orch. Deb­re­cen, & „Ko­dály Choir” Deb­re­cen
Con­duc­ted by: Ger­gely Kes­sely­ák, dir. of Choir: Ágnes Török

2001 Paris, Eg­li­se de Saint Eu­ta­che
Per­for­med by: Jac­qu­e­line Mayer, E.​Lebrun, Choir Re­gi­o­nal Vit­to­ria Ile de Fr, Orch. Paris
Con­duc­ted by: Mi­chel Pi­qu­e­mal